Sunday, October 20, 2019

buy custom The Craft of Research essay

buy custom The Craft of Research essay This hypothesis was adopted because the young college males feel they are competing with each other for the right person. In the study titled, Integrating Evolutionary and Social Exchange Perspectives on Relationships: Effects of Gender, Self-Appraisal, and Involvement Level on Mate Selection Criteria, it is explained how both genders tend to look for the best value in a mate in both short-term and long-term relationships. In a study titled Sexual Attractiveness: Sex Differences in Assessment and Criteria, it supports the previous study by determining that when mate seeking, males tend to focus on a potential partners physical appearance. 2. Research Methods I got my population at a university and the sample was single college students. In general I was using a non probability sample. In this case, I considered it a convenient sample because we surveyed whoever we could get a hold of. I did the survey face-to-face and some respondents were non-interactive. I focused on single college students. The population represented my target population because I focused on currently enrolled college students and their relationship status. Main reason why I chose single college students is because those are the ones who are more likely to mingle (Creswell, 2008). In undertaking of this research, my variables were Time (T) and the number of college males and females. The number of college males and female respondents was the dependent variables. I had to adopt a design that would practically help the respondents give as mush information as possible. I had to engage myself with the prospective respondents and make it clear to them that we are part of them and they should feel free to give responses to the 6 questionnaire questions. Opening up was a better approach to the adopted design. All the items were specifically coded to ensure that the statistical sum of the issues and responses was specific for each of the cases. Coding ensured clear identification of issues and responses for each of the questions posed to the respondents. During the course of this research operationalization, I encountered drawbacks; these are (Booth, Et Al. 2008); Poor respondents responsiveness to our approach on the need for them to give us responses voluntarily Lack of sufficient financing The exercise was time consuming thus it was hectic to gather responses from as many respondents as possible within the timeframe The exercise itself was challenging My independent variables were time (T) and gender (male or female college students). These two were chosen based on the facts that we were researching on the number of male students as far as the effort in college towards searching for a mate is concerned. We in this case are dealing with male college students independently. This means that the fact remains to be the male and female students were the only respondents that I could administer questionnaires to though the females perspective and perceptions were as well critical. Time was thus an independent variable that did not relay on anything else to be calculated. It was a matter of how long it takes a student to get a partner of choice against satisfaction; that what one came across and was pleased with, was actually the partner he The variables coding was done amicably. This meant that it was critical to differentiate the variables and make it easy to measure the dependent variable against the independent variables without confu sion and with clarity. The respective coding system was a good idea in that (Graziano Rualin, 2009); It enabled the substantial gathering of data and facts critically sought Ensured that the respective responses were able to be with precision measured and facts drawn Ensured that the separation of correct and substantial responses was made easy from rounding and unqualified responses The coding system made it easy to undertake this research 3. Results: In this section we statistically analyze our study finding to enable we draw conclusive inferences in regards to answering our hypothesis question. The assumption is this case is that Time (T) is constant. Males Age Brackets Frequency Cumulative Frequency Percentages (%) 15-20 24 24 40/p> 21-25 16 40 26 26-30 12 52 20 31-35 6 58 10 36-40 2 60 3 60 99 From the above table, it can be noted that the young college males between the ages of 15-20 years do more of conducting a search for the mates as opposed to the other same gender stratifications. The age bracket of between 36-40 years does not bother much. This is attributed to the fact that majority of the men in this age bracket are already married and do not need to look for new mates. The pie representation is as shown below; Key: Males Age Brackets Percentages (%) 15-20 41 21-25 26 26-30 20 31-35 10 36-40 3 For the females, on the other hand, the young female college students do not make much effort towards the search for mates. For instance, in between the age bracket of 15-20 years, only 6% of the young females are active as far as the search for mates is concerned. Looking at the higher age brackets more female get engaged with the search between the ages of 26 to 30 years. Females Age Brackets Frequency Cumulative Frequency Percentages (%) 15-20 4 4 6 21-25 6 10 10 26-30 24 34 40 31-35 14 48 23 36-40 12 60 20 60 99 The pie diagrammatic representation is as shown below: Key: Females Age Brackets Percentages (%) 15-20 6 21-25 10 26-30 40 31-35 23 36-40 20 The percentages of females against males are as shown below; It means that the percentage number of males between the ages of 15 to 20 is greater than the number of the females and the variations continues in subsequent age durations. Females Males Age Brackets Percentages (%) 15-20 6 40 21-25 10 26 26-30 20 20 31-35 23 10 36-40 40 3 99 99 The graphical presentation of this data is as shown below (Christensen, Burke Turner, 2010); Based on the above methods of data analysis and presentation, all the variables seem to be measuring the same thing. The frequencies and the cumulative frequencies and percentage of the respective variables should be kept at contact for the final indexing (Kumar, 2010). This is due to the fact that all the measures indexing are related to the results of the independent and dependent variables. The bivariate relationship between the dependent variable measures and your independent variables does show that the dependant variables are largely dependant on the dependent variables and their results are statistically right and give precise and conclusive answers to the research question. 4. Discussion: Based on this study finding it is practical to conclude that more young college males struggle to have mates as opposed to the young females in college. A larger study which would be drawn from this study should be set to investigate the life span and the effectiveness of these relationships. Buy custom The Craft of Research essay

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